Of course when it comes to being better students, we already know that's because of discrimination against men in the education system. Press J to jump to the feed. @the_dadvocate isn't a traditional MRA and I'm not sure that she'd call herself one, but this is the type of content that we need more of on social media platforms like TikTok. · 2 hr. ago. When men’s rights advocacy is tied to right-wing or far-right politics, it alienates mainstream left-wingers, attracts disruptive protests from antifascists, and is easy for the media to. A space for the discussion of men and boys' advocacy, from a left…A left-winger is someone who advocates reducing inequality through social change. One of those two feminist activists was previously employed by a CIA-backed anti-Castro feminist organisation in Cuba, and was allegedly deported from Cuba as a. 1. One of the biggest influences on male behaviour is sex and dating. They both cast a very wide net. 67 votes, 27 comments. This inevitably leads to SOME forms of privilege that men have by virtue of being male - like being more easily linked to. It's hilarious and pathetic at the same time. I'm not unaware that I'm 20 years late to the party, that's something I'm going to have to live with, but I'll be damned if I'm going to give up the. Some of the best advocates for men are women: Karen Straughan, Cassie Jaye, Cathy Young, Erin Pizzey, to name a few. You'll have a bunch of articles about how men are walking time bombs, dangerous, privileged creatures who need to be kept in check. To believe that all acts of male on female rape are rooted in misogyny is absurd and an assumption which would need proving. And if that is indeed the case, all acts of female on male rape are rooted in misandry and according to recent research, there are equal numbers of both. I suppose r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates could all be some vast alt-right conspiracy to undermine women by supporting gender equality from a left-wing perspective. Pick up artists offer quite a bit more even if said objectifies women. When women have problems, everyone seems to care and listen and be patient. treating women like garbage, telling men they should aspire to be so 'high value' that they can keep a harem that will be okay with him dating/fucking multiple women. If women reject men who break free of the "patriarchy". 15K subscribers in the LeftWingMaleAdvocates community. Share. The Canadian Government used to be mostly men. They're failed men in other words. A place for the discussion of men's issues from a left wing…/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates: 16/11/20 12:46 PM: 201: MRAs on the ground, like this Queens Award winning charity LadsNeedDads for fatherless boys are working hard and doing good work. This community aims to fill a void in the political landscape, by incorporating male issues into. r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates: A place for the discussion of men's issues from a left wing perspective. I want to know what you guys think about it. A female accusation of abuse being more believable by default than a man's. I'm extremely left and libertarian. I want to draw a parallel between feminist-informed criticism of video games made by Anita Sarkeesian. Search within r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates. testosterone gives you dumb bastard brain. I want to draw a parallel between feminist-informed criticism of video games made by Anita Sarkeesian and post-traditional male advocacy-informed criticism of Barbie. I mean, to some extent I do. We will show it is possible to criticize feminism from the left rather than from the right. This is a toxic combination of white knighting and virtue signalling, covered by a progressive smokescreen. DistrictAccurate. Misandry has caused so much devastation. 301 votes, 124 comments. For example UK it is stated as penetration by penis. Basically that rape law doesn't cover men in a lot of countries. As explain Daniel Jimenez in "Dehumanizing the male" (read the book review here) : Female problems are gendered, but male problems are not. They just want to be viewed as being "on the right side of history" regardless of actually being ethically right or wrong. A recent paper asked men to share their experiences with IPV and subsequent help-seeking behaviors. A message between a moderator and a site administrator leaked onto the forum Left Wing Male Advocates vindicates Kuato2012’s concerns. Overall I'm probably centrist, and maybe even a bit right-of-center (I'm definitely right-of. Given our recent discussion about TikTok I figured I would highlight something positive on the platform. ago left-wing male advocate. Developed by Laura Mulvey, it suggests the way art and visual media views the world (and particularly women) is through the eyes of a heterosexual male. It's hard when people are clearly hating you, clearly being a bigot, and nobody will recognize that truth. Beljuril-home • 6 days ago. Women are over 50% of the population and many hold lots of cultural and institutional power on these issues, so yes, winning them over is absolutely necessary. I am starting a new subreddit called r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates. Males are not protected against institutionalized sexual assault (MGM) and are told to get over it. The camera drifts towards boobs, bums, necks and thighs; often looking down onto women, or upward. 15K subscribers in the LeftWingMaleAdvocates community. ago. Can these feminist-aligned, male advocacy groups (MensLib, Good Man Project, NOMAS) make any sort of meaningful contributions if everything they believe is bounded by feminism?Why is the Men's Rights Movement so unsuccessful? r/MensRights was asked a similar question a while ago and most answers were either "because it's too dangerous to advocate for men in a society dominated by feminism" or "because of gynocentrism" (usually understood as a biological instinct. Julian Assange was first arrested as a result of accusations made against him by a pair of prominent feminist activists in Sweden, which he has called "The Saudi Arabia of Feminism". Perpetrators of violent crimes victimize men at a rate 5x higher than women. And no, nothing has changed. a-man-from-earth • 21 days ago. It's the root of most homophobia and. Also I didn't get the memo, but that could be because I'm Black lol. To me, it just sounds like a bunch of people collectively complaining to each other, which is fine. My interpretation of the "patriarchy" is a bit more milquetoast. It was a post complaining about how young girls were so much more attention seeking than young boys. r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates is. The real problem is the left never really cared about men, they cared about power. This is obvious. Most men want sex lives and relationships, so women have a big influence on their behaviour. r/mensrights is one of the most controversial subs on Reddit, frequently being accused of spreading misogyny and encouraging terrorism. In the early to mid 1990s, this was through the establishment of Division 51 of the American Psychological Association, The Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities (SPSMM). Feminists present their ideology. Political power, specifically. 1. A left-winger is someone who advocates reducing inequality through social change. The men's rights movement (MRM) is a branch of the men's movement. I think the whole neoliberal identitarianism movement is a class project. When feminists protested to shut down the screening of Silenced, a spanish documentary on. r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates • by AvoidPinkHairHippos Where can you find a reliable, trustworthy list of American, Canadian, etc small/medium/large businesses (not NGOs, not charities) that *explicitly* support Men's (or anti misandrist) issues,. obviously there is some middle ground between the normalized amount of misandry/apathy. The imagery is clear, and straight out of the Marvel Universe: Left Man saves the poor powerless heroine, while pouring scorn on the lady villains of “white feminism”. Advocating for men’s issues challenges their deeply engrained belief that women are the ultimate victims of society and are universally disadvantaged compared to men. Because Italy was a fascist state and wanted a strong military, women were. It is white rich girl feminism, you’re right. But some radfems are starting to attack this effort by labeling Left wing male advocates as "hate". You can be pro-male and argue for egalitarianism and equality for all genders and those who don't do this are either upholding the current hierarchies or reaching to establish a new one. As you'll know, I've spent the last few days. It is a smoke screen to cover the obvious reactionary ruling class politics packaged with it. Its purpose is to fill a void in the political landscape: discussing male issues from a perspective that is left-wing (ie. Left-wing politics typically involve a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a. The Pew Research Centre notes that 40% of millennials favour suppressing, in various unspecified ways, speech deemed offensive to minorities, compared with 27% among Gen Xers, 24% among baby. Names please. User account menu. Normally, if it was just that change, the percentage would be 9%,. Log In Sign Up. Wannna know the diference cause of some comments i read here. A space for the discussion of men and boys' advocacy, from a left…What does being 'left-wing' mean for you as a male advocate? : r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates by Blauwpetje What does being 'left-wing' mean for you as a male advocate? All of my. Gaming. 15K subscribers in the LeftWingMaleAdvocates community. Coins 0 coins Premium Powerups Talk Explore. ” One post entitled “How the hell do men find any will to live?” shows how the forum wields common rebuttals against feminism to excuse its misogyny. r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates, a forum with 5,000 members, openly champions sexist ideas from the “left-wing perspective. PDF Top Posts. 53 upvotes. The very existence of this subreddit will provide visible evidence that left-wing male advocates do exist, which will help counter propaganda that only right-wingers think about men’s issues in a feminist-critical way. Saw it on its first day. Secondary Abuse: When victims speak up. A place for the discussion of men's issues from a left wing…4 mo. But that is one hell of an unfalsifiable claim. You can also add to that male victims of domestic violence and rape/sexual assault and harassment having next to no help or resources or organizations to help them (and how female offenders often get a pass), how boys struggle terribly in the school system due to special and favorable treatment given to female students and how as a result the majority. Even the headlines from US are: female teacher had sex with underaged student, because legally it ain't rape. At r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates I've only seen something that kinda looks like this once. Some study had found that the majority of homeless people had suffered a traumatic brain injury. Here are some of their answers: This paper was published in a peer-reviewed journal: This journal is a. We oppose right-wing exploitation of men's issues as a. ago. Sorry men… whoever you are, wherever you live; the simple fact remains, you just have less sand in your hourglass – making it all the more precious. On Kyle Rittenhouse, the prosecution was so so sad. And then you'll have the occasional vapid article about how man buns are back in style. The fact that these people attack liberals without realising that they themselves are liberal for supporting men. I never watched "Think Before You Sleep" video on that. The list will probably need to contain a disclaimer such as “r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates does not necessarily endorse everything said by any of these sources. They say "if you help us destroy the. left-wing male advocate 14 hours ago discussion @thetinmen is leaving r/leftwingmaleadvocates I am going to be light on details here, as really I am so over this LWMA drama. I think just about every far right talking head is against circumcision, except Tucker Carlson, which admittedly is one of the biggest. ) I think both are wrong. e. 15K subscribers in the LeftWingMaleAdvocates community. How it destroyed due process, ruined innocent men's lives and made it easy for bad women to get away with false accusations and other crimes. Men made to penetrate (rape): 1 267 000. . This is a sub for discussing men's issues without gatekeepers that undermine or plainly censor many of this discussions. Today, the 26th of April, marks the ten year anniversary of Earl Silverman’s tragic suicide. So their knee jerk reaction is to think it’s “anti-women”. They say men don't need to be masculine but then use small dick energy and being a virgin as an insult which all imply a lack of masculinity. Unless, of course, their idea of gender equality is a 50/50 split in war correspondents, but a 100/0 male-female death ratio. I am going to be light on details here, as really I am so over this LWMA drama. By Halima Zoha Ansari Dec 9, 2020 4 min read. Because the man with the most toys still dies, and none of it can be taken with him. Yes. Weaponized Incompetence, as talked about online, is typically just women voicing frustration that their husband seems to make excuses for never doing the housework (or just work in general) that should be done. It seems that Anita had a major point of contention: video games marketed to boys and young men were made. Most people who claim to be MRAs are misandrist in certain ways. Mentions of their name are being removed, and the posters banned. 301 votes, 124 comments. We are private in protest of Reddit's conduct; we demand actionable statements from the admins. We get the double whammy of misandry and transphobia. On the left all I can think of is Howard Stern, but he's become more left, and less vocal about it, Perhaps by no coincidence?I'm reaching out, I'm trying to find social situations, I'm trying to push away the idea that I'm toxic became I'm a man, I'm trying to do something about my permanent lack of any kind of partner. The MRM in particular consists of a variety of groups and individuals (men's rights activists or MRAs) who focus on general social issues and specific government services which adversely impact—or in some cases structurally discriminate against men and boys. egalitarian) but includes criticism of feminism. And you can see this toxic mix guiding policy. 15K subscribers in the LeftWingMaleAdvocates community. This is evolutionary psychology, not some bunch of stone age dudes that gathered around and decided women shouldn't have sex. He should have been charged with atleast manslaughter, and other charges. A score of 1 means that users of r/leftwingmaleadvocates are no more likely to frequent that subreddit than the. As you'll know, I've spent the last few days trying to bring back some stability and consistency to LWMA. Furthermore, the researchers go on to make an argument that we have an ethical obligation to take. This is how feminism hurt men, by making men's issues invisible. I can see that Men can convince themselves their emotional desperation is a weakness. A space for the discussion of men and boys' advocacy, from a left wing…level 1. This made me realize that two other facts contribute to homelessness. The men's section of The Guardian has been following a trend for a while. But it's still easier to list the ones who aren't than the ones who are. The researchers show that men are raped at the same rate as women and that women are perpetrators of rape against men at the same rate as men on women. level 2. The scores listed are "probability multipliers", so a score of 2 means that users of r/leftwingmaleadvocates are twice as likely to post and comment on that subreddit. Here's some simple math: One of the most common denominators of abusive relationships is the abuser controlling how the rest of the world perceives their relationship and victim. Or they will use the term "real men" to describe the men they don't hate. +. And most men who have been killed, wouldn't have been killed if they were women. As far as I see it, a small subset of men have been at the forefront of society, and so traditionally male interests are overrepresented in society. 109. skllyskullstyle • 7 mo. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Female incels can have an entire subreddit (FemaleDatingStrategy) deriding. They're incapable of distinguishing between "left wing" and "ultra-woke-progressive", and they're incapable of distinguishing between "criticism of feminism" and "criticism of women". ago. This community aims to fill a void in the political landscape, by incorporating male issues into left-wing thought. Report Save. To me, making the claim that the women are wonderful effect is rooted in misogyny is more or less enforcing the women are wonderful effect and gynocentricsm. To this end I have drafted a Mission Statement. It's caused the death of so many men. Dear reader, this article is free to read and it will remain free – but it isn. Executive federal jobs are also mostly women today. There's a good point somewhere in the comments about head injuries. I'm over it from the get go. ADVERTISEMENT. 2mo ⋅ OfficialMitchell2000 ⋅ r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates. This is only compounded further by the fact that many men must also work until later in life than women. Most people who call themselves leftists are not actually leftists. The Society for the Psychological Study of. 15K subscribers in the LeftWingMaleAdvocates community. This community in it's core seeks to improve the life of many men creating also positive consequences for people around them. The Male Leftist Trope: Yes I’ve Read Marx, Can We Have Sex Now? While the right wants to save women from the dangers of liberation, the leftist groups wants to condescendingly explain to women what liberation means. 67. But as of today, I have been removed as moderator of LWMA, and as a consequence have decided to step away from this sub entirely – I will be leaving my. Don't forget activism in your MRA work. Most of her content is about relationships and "understanding men" but she has. 79% of men had female perpetrator. So it is no good telling men the "patriarchy" hurts them and they should break free of gender norms. The feminist perspective is a bastardisation of marxist theory, and blatantly so. 15K subscribers in the LeftWingMaleAdvocates community. This is what I came here to say. Do what YOU CAN, U dont need to make an organisation: follow these people, write letters, volunteer with this or some. Men suffer long term psychological trauma from being raped, contrary to the popular narrative. Explore Left Wing Male Advocates (r/leftwingmaleadvocates) community on Pholder | See more posts from r/leftwingmaleadvocates community like Shoutout to r/facepalm for including misandry for comments that will be banned, probably the first time I’ve seen thisGingerRazz • 3 yr. NullableThought • 7 mo. They care about themselves, their loved ones, and their immediate community, in that order. Type a subreddit name to list its overlaps with other subreddits. Plus how it's made it so difficult for both male and female victims to come forward and still. The idea that people favor women over men because people hate women is extremely illogical. The administrator admits that the site doesn’t view. Reddit has hired a known enabler & protector of a convicted child rapist & torturer.